The minister of Valhalla and Dron Ryulk, the younger brother of Fork, show up in front of the three … ▼More
The minister of Valhalla and Dron Ryulk, the younger brother of Fork, show up in front of the three fighters. Having been obliged to let go of the treasure sword ”Claimh Solais” in exchange for Princess Sophie, the three decide to once back off. Orna Black and Caliban Red take care of Princess Sophie but Sting has an instinctive dislike of her. Sophie speaks to Sting in this condition in private. These two seem understand each other but Princess Sophie beats on Sting all of a sudden. Flat-footed Sting is brought over to the hideout of Ryulk. Rulk, who claims overwhelming might, brainwashes the princess and... Will the intentions of the three fighters unite to be able to defeat Ryulk? Or will they lose to Ryulk helplessly? ▲Close
Director Comment
I would like you not to miss the ending scene, and also Ryulk who has more power now. As there is no… ▼More
Director Comment
I would like you not to miss the ending scene, and also Ryulk who has more power now. As there is no combatant-like presence, I tried to feature the strength of the monsters. ▲Close
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