ZEN-PICTURES Inc.("ZEN") provides the following purchase agreement,concerning this website("the Site"),owned and operated by ZEN. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SITE. YOUR USE OF THE SITE SIGNIFIES YOUR AGREEMENT.
2.Changes to the Agreement
ZEN reserves the right to modify,change,add,remove,any part of this Agreement without notifying users.The Changes of this Agreement will be effective when posted on the Ryojoku Institute.
3.Contents and User's Responsibilities
The user acknowledges that the Site contains adult materials.The viewing of the Site is solely at the user's risk and the user disclaims any responsibilities of the webmaster,or indivisuals and parties concerning the Site.The user affirms and accepts this agreement and is responsible for necessary devices,equipments,softwares,broadband,settings to access to and use the Site properly.
All data,contents and the like(collectively,"the Content"),are proprietary to ZEN.The user should not reproduce,sell,share,illegally download,or in any way distribute,any materials from this Site.It is the user's understanding that,in consequence of a copyright infringement,the user might be the subject of legal actions by any applicable intellectual property laws.
The user should not do the following: (1)Change or erase any content of the Site and transmit or post false information. (2)Infringement to other user's or party's intellectual properties such as copyrights and trademarks. (3)Harm,disrespect and discriminate the Site,any other third party,and harm credibilities of the Site or any other third party. (4)Use or distribute any harmful programs such as computer viruses. (5)using other user's or party's ID as a false ID. (6)Hack into any computer systems or networks that are linked to the Site. (7)Any other conducts that ZEN finds harmful,offensive or damaging.
ZEN reserves the right to suspend and maintain the entire or any parts of the Site without prior notice to
users. (1)When maintenance or repair concerning the Site is necessary. (2)When the system concerning the service of the Site needs to be repaired. (3)When the services of the telecommunication network provided by telecommunication companies is suspended at their discretion or for any reason concerning their operation. (4)When ZEN needs to susupend the service of the Site to deal with technical and operational issues.
7.linked Websites
The other websites, operated by the third parties, that are linked to the Site are not applicable for this agreement.Under no circumstances is ZEN responsible for any problems,troubles,issues caused in or by the other websites.
8.Limitation of Liability
The use of the service of the Site is at the user's own risk.ZEN is not liable,in any case, at any time, for direct or indirect punitive damages, or any other damages of users.
9.Termination of the Website
ZEN,solely at its discretion,can close the Site at any time for any reason with prior notice for users.
>>Memebership Agreement
1.Applicability of theAgreement
This agreement is applicable for users who signs in the Membership Service("the Member") of the ZEN website("the Site") owned and operated by ZEN-PICTURES Inc.("ZEN")
2.Applicability of the Membership
The Member is bound by this agreement upon the notice of the user ID.The Member agrees with and accepts this
agreement as well as User Agreement posted above.
The Member should not do the following.The Membership can be terminated in result of any violation against any of them. (1)False application of the user information required for the Membership. (2)The use of a false ID. (3)Attempt to harm the service of the Site. (4)Attempt to harm ZEN and other users,cause damages and violate any rights involved. (5)Attempts against laws,rules or ethics concerning the usage of the Site. (6)Any other attempts that ZEN finds offensive or inappropriate.
4.User ID and Password
The member should not disclose the user ID and password to any indivisual or third party.The member notifies the administrator of the Site immediately if he/she believes that the ID is incorrectly or illegally used. Under those circumstances is the member liable for the payment.
5.Member's Obligation
The Member who uses the other services in the Site is obligated to affirm and accept the agreement of each service as well as this agreement.
6.Changes to the Service Content
ZEN,solely at its discretion,modifies the content of the service in the Site,fees it charges,the point
system,etc.Any service can be terminated at any time as well.
7.Maintenance of the Service
The Service can be suspended for a certain period of time in the following cases without providing any compensation or refund to the Member:
(1)When the system maintenance of the Service is required. (2)When the transmit equipment or telecommunication line needs to be repaired. (3)When blackouts,natural disasters,wars,union strikes or other incidents cause the serivce to suspend.
8.Cancellation of User ID
The Member terminates his/her own ID in accordance with the instruction of the Site when necessary.
9.Termination of User ID
ZEN reserves the right to terminate the membership or suspend the use of the user ID without prior notice to the member if he/she violates any agreement or ZEN finds the termination or suspension necessary.
10.Limitation of Liability
The member registers the user ID,uses the service of the Site,deals with any problems,if occured consequentially,at his/her own risk.Under no circumstances are the webmaster,any indivisuals or parties concerning the creation and operation of the Site,liable for the issues caused by the Member.
ZEN reserves the right to modify the agreement of this page without notifying users.The revised agreement
will be effective upon the modification of the page.
September 30, 2019 ZEN-PICTURES Inc.